Previous Results - October 2023
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 44 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 28th October.
Scheduled Auctions:
1 Cameron Place, Alfords Point 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 458 land. Initially listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,150,000, with a displayed price guide of "$1,150,000". On the market for sale for 32 days, SOLD for $1,250,000. Buyers had remarked that this home had substantial termite damage.
2/104-106 Beaumaris Drive, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 2 car, spa. Initially listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "$1,050,000". On the market for sale for 42 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful. The auction was passed in with a vendor bid of $1,050,000, with no bidders, and no interest. This townhouse was last sold in Aug 2022 for $1,030,000. Now for sale with a displayed price guide of $1,050,000.
131 Fowler Road, Illawong 5 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 1,880 land. Listed as an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $2,500,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction". Strangely, online showed a scheduled open home for Saturday 28th at 3 pm. Is this auction in namesake only, not sure. On the market for sale for 22 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful. The auction was not run, they announced "We are going to postpone this auction as we're waiting on bidders to arrive". No bidders, and no interest. This property was last sold in December 2020 for $2,100,000. Now for sale with a displayed asking price of $2,499,999 and a changed Saturday open time of 12:45 pm – 1:15 pm.
28 Blaxland Drive, Illawong 5 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 722 land. Initially listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,150,000, with a displayed price guide of "$1,500,000". On the market for sale for 23 days, SOLD for $1,630,000. This is a deceased estate sale that's taken 3 years before the home was listed for sale.
19 Bluegum Way, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 2 car. Initially listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Then the campaign changed to an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 37 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful. The auction was passed in, one bidder, passed in at $1,050,000. Now for sale again by auction, with a displayed guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". Scheduled for Wednesday 22nd November, in-rooms at Kirrawee. It has a search price of $1,000,000 which is lower than what was declined at auction this week.
125 Brushwood Drive, Alfords Point 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 833 land. Initially listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Then the campaign changed to an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $2,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction Kirrawee Office". On the market for sale for 24 days, SOLD for $1,950,000.
69 Hall Drive, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath 1 car, 644 land. Initially listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Saturday, 28th October, at 10:45 am on-site. The search price was $1,500,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 23 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful. The auction was passed in, three bidders, passed in at $1,625,000. Vendors expectations are $1,700,000.
10/17-27 Dilkara Circuit, Bangor 3 bed villa, 1 bathroom, 2 car. Listed as an Auction, scheduled for Friday, 20th October, at 6:00 pm On-site. The search price was $950,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". The auction was changed to Saturday 28th October, at 11:30 am on-site. On the market for sale for 23 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful.
Reported Sales:-
6 Downes Close, Illawong 3 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 710 land. Initially listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. This was listed as an auction, then marketed immediately as "One More Sold". This was a database sale, already sold before it was advertised. No search price is recorded. SOLD for $1,465,000.
21 Blaxland Drive Illawong 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool. 626sqm. Initially listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,400,000 with a displayed price guide of "Auction Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 15 days, SOLD for $1,528,000.
2/54 Osprey Drive Illawong 3 bed townhouse, 2 bath, 2 car. Listed as a coming soon property, exclusively off-market on the agency's website only. The search price was $1,100,000, with a displayed price of "Contact Agent". On the market for sale for 25 days, SOLD for $1,135,000.
19 Scribbly Gum Place Alfords Point 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 756 land. Listed as an off-market sale on the agency's website only, then eventually listed on as a basic $199 advertisement only. The search price was $1,600,000, with a displayed price of "Contact Agent". On the market for sale for 21 days, SOLD for $1,605,000.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 45 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 21st October.
Scheduled Auctions:
7 Kilby Place, Illawong 3 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 812.3 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 21st October, at 8:30 am on-site. The search price was $1,500,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction". On the market for sale for 24 days, SOLD for $1,625,000.
7/4-10 Dandarbong Avenue, Bangor 3 bed villa (not an over 55's complex), 1 bathroom, 2 car, 194 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 21st October, at 9:00 am on-site. The search price was $950,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction". On the market for sale for 25 days, SOLD prior to auction for $955,000.
17/17-27 Dilkara Circuit, Bangor 3 bed villa, 1 bath, 1 car, 242 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 21st October, at 10:30 am on-site. The search price was $950,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 23 days, SOLD prior to auction for $1,033,000.
10 Bradman Road, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 690.8 land. Initially listed for sale off-market, just on the agent's social media without an asking price. Then listed as a "Forthcoming Auction", this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,400,000. Eventually scheduled for Saturday, 21st October, at 8:30 am on-site. The search price was amended to $1,350,000. On the market for sale for 26 days, SOLD for $1,453,000.
63 Bignell Street, Illawong 7 bed house, 4 bath, 6 car, 2,250 land. Initially listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Saturday, 21st October, at 5:30 pm on-site. The search price was between $2,750,000 - $3,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction Guide $2,950,000". On the market for sale for 44 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful. The auction was passed in, with no bidders, and no interest.
Reported Sales:-
19 Clothier Road, Menai 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 1,003 land. Originally listed as a normal sale, without an asking price. Search price was initially $1,800,000, then later increased to $1,850,000. On the market for sale for 29 days, SOLD for $1,880,000.
5E/6 Schofield Place Menai 2 bed unit, 1 bath, 1 car. Originally listed as a normal sale, with a search price of $700,000 and a displayed price of $700,000 - $725,000. This was later revised to $725,000 - $750,000. This indicates an offer was rejected, and the guide was changed. On the market for sale for 25 days, SOLD for $747,000
5 Nicholi Place, Alfords Point 4 bed house, 2 bath, 0 car, pool, 764 land. Originally listed for sale off as an "Forthcoming Auction", this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,500,000. On the market for sale for 21 days, SOLD for $1,662,000. This home was previously marketed for sale in March-April 2020 and subsequently withdrawn from sale. It was withdrawn from sale for unlicensed owner/builder alterations/additions not being council approved to the garage which is advertised currently as the master bedroom. In March 2021 a CDC application was approved by a private certifier for an inground pool. No records are available in Sutherland Council's DA tracker that the alterations and additions have been approved for the garage conversion to a master bedroom with an en-suite.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 50 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 14th October.
Scheduled Auctions:
26 Walsh Close Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 702.4 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 14th October, at 10:45 am on-site. The search price was $1,900,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 22 days, SOLD for less than $1,900,000 but greater than $1,800,000. We applied search filters to identify price ranges. The auction was a one-bidder Auction, with lots of back-and-forth negotiations.
17 Kinsella Street Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 1,119 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 14th October, at 3:15 pm on-site. The search price was $2,500,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction". On the market for sale for 33 days, SOLD for $2,620,000.
71 Griffin Parade Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 642.7 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 14th October, at 3:15 pm on-site. The search price was $1,800,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 23 days, SOLD for $2,150,000.
Reported Sales:-
2/28 Berry Grove Menai 3 bed townhouse, 2 bath, 2 car. Originally listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no auction scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,100,000, on the market for sale for 22 days, SOLD for $1,220,000.
43 Carter Road Menai 4 bed house, 3 bath, 5 car, 555 land. Originally listed as a normal sale, with an asking price of $2,000,000, and then reduced to a price range of $1,850,000 - $2,000,000. Then reduced again to $1,790,000 - $1,890,000. Last advertised as "Contact Agent" with a search price of $1,800,000. On the market for sale for 37 days, SOLD for $1,750,000.
40 Goorgool Road Bangor 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 559.3 land. Originally listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,500,000, on the market for sale for 21 days, SOLD for $1,540,000.
2/1 Oakwood Way Menai 3 bed unit, 2 bath, 2 car, pool. Initially listed for sale off-market, just on the agency's website without an asking price. The search price was $900,000. Unknown days on the market for sale, SOLD for $900,000.
61 Blaxland Drive Illawong 5 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 606 land. Originally listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,500,000, on the market for sale for 21 days, SOLD for $1,650,000.
30 Bradman Road Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 622 land. Originally listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Instead, it displayed "For Sale'. The search price was $1,500,000. On the market for sale for 18 days, SOLD for $1,560,000.
29 Sylvan Ridge Drive Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 622 land. Originally listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Instead, it displayed "Price Guide on Request'. The search price was $2,000,000. On the market for sale for 62 days, SOLD for $1,840,000.
5 Hobart Place Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 1 bath, 670 land. Originally listed as an Auction Unless Sold Prior, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,900,000, Then the campaign changed to a normal sale with an asking price range of $1,850,000 - $2,000,000. This was reduced to $1,800,000 - $1,900,000. On the market for sale for 58 days, SOLD for $1,888,800. This is a very lucky number for some buyer's cultures.
22 Marsden Road Barden Ridge 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 476 land. Originally listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,500,000, on the market for sale for 7 days, SOLD for $1,800,000.
54R Yates Road Bangor 2 bed house, 1 bath, 12 car, 2.02 hectares. Accessible through a track in between 39-41 Menai Road and 43 Menai Road Bangor. The property is approx. 2 hectares with fenced paddocks at the bottom/ground level, which runs out to the Woronora River. A sealed road winds down into the property with a locked gate near the top to stop unwanted entry.
The land was listed for sale by expression of interest with a search price of $1,000,000. On the market for sale for 38 days, SOLD for an unverified amount. Our records indicate $1,000, which isn't correct. We'll update this once we have more information. Please read the detailed description below.
The property is hidden from the street and surrounding properties by bush and trees, giving it total privacy and seclusion. There are also natural caves and thick bush areas on the property and natural bush on both sides of the valley and the surrounding area. A small creek/waterway flows through the property on the opposite side of the houses. Roads/tracks connect the different levels and areas. There are some paddocks fenced and smaller fenced yards which once housed farm animals.
There are higher flat levels on one side, which is where the current house, the former house, the new house piers, and sheds are located, and there are more flat grassed areas lower down. The higher flat areas are approx. 10-20m above the lower paddock areas, so there is no risk of flooding, etc to the dwellings and sheds.
The property had two houses on it originally. One was demolished to gain a DA approval to build a new one sometime in the late 80s/early 90s. Construction on the new house started in the early -mid-1990s, but it only had the piers constructed for it, and then work stopped on it.
The house on the property is old and needs a lot of work. It has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living area, and a veranda at the front. Connected to the house is a very large garage - approx. 10m x 20m. A few other small sheds and carports are also around the home and property.
There are plenty of flat grassed areas for parking. The reason we've detailed so much about this property is that it's something that rarely comes up for sale. For the local readers, it's the late estate of the Ironside family.
We've been advised that 5E/6 Schofield Place Menai is under contract at $747,000. It's a 2 bed unit, 1 bath, 1 car. Originally listed as a normal sale, with a search price of $700,000 and a displayed price of $700,000 - $725,000. This was later revised to $725,000 - $750,000. This indicates an offer was rejected, and the guide was changed. On the market for sale for 25 days, UNDER CONTRACT at $547,000.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 58 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 7th October.
Scheduled Auctions:
41 Redman Avenue Illawong 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 859 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Wednesday, 4th October, at 6:00 pm in-rooms at Kirrawee. It has a search price of $1,900,000, with no displayed price guide. On the market for sale for 20 days, SOLD at auction for $2,345,000.
7 Snow Gum Place Alfords Point 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 669 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 7th October, at 3:15 pm on-site. The search price was $2,000,000, with no displayed price guide, instead, it said "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". On the market for sale for 23 days, the Auction was Unsuccessful; it was passed in at $1,775,000. After auction, a buyer had come up to $1,900,000. The vendors expectations are at least $2,000,000.
17 Heritage Drive Illawong 5 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 648.9 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 7th October, at 3:30 pm on-site. The search price was $1,500,000, with no displayed price guide. On the market for sale for 23 days, SOLD at auction for $1,742,000.
Reported Sales:-
2/788 Old Illawarra Road Menai Commercial Factory, estimate Net Lettable Area of 340 sqm with 3 car spaces. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Tuesday, 10th October, at 6:00 pm at Cronulla RSL in-rooms. It has a search price of $1,750,000. On the market for sale for 18 days, SOLD prior to auction for $1,900,000. The tenancy was out of a fixed term lease, which was Ultra Tune.
5/17-27 Dilkara Circuit Bangor 3 bed townhouse, 2 bath, 2 car. Initially listed for sale off-market, just on the agency's website without an asking price. Then, it was listed live on the paid websites such as and The search price was $1,000,000, it had a displayed price range of $980,000 - $1,030,000. On the market for sale for 65 days, SOLD for $985,000. It had an extended cooling-off period, normally only 5 days but longer.
10/20-26 Arana Close Bangor 2 bed unit, 1 bath, 1 car. This is an over 55's complex and was a genuine 2 bedroom with north aspect and a lock up garage which is a separate lot number. Originally listed for sale without an asking price, the search price was $550,000. On the market for sale for 43 days, SOLD for $579,000.
13 Yanina Place Bangor 3 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, 622 land. This home was last sold as a deceased estate in 2019 for $1,130,000. This campaign was listed for sale without an asking price, displaying "For Sale – Contact Agent". The search price was $1,350,000. On the market for sale for 13 days, SOLD for $1,420,000.
If you want to read more past results for EVERY MONTH of 2023, if on your mobile, scroll all the way down to the bottom. Or if on a desktop, it's on the right-hand side of your browser. Click the relevant tabs.
We obtain this information from a variety of public sources,,, various realestate agencies direct websites and various realestate data websites. In addition, we meet the same buyer's every other agency does at existing open homes and private inspections. It's common for our agency to have spoken to the buyer that's purchased with another agency.
Your best-selling agency is an agent that you connect with and trust. It's not the agent that promises you the highest price, and lowest fee and talks about the power of how big their agency is.
If you are considering 'testing the market' exclusively database only. We have the ability to list your home with a small realestate advertisement allowing for the biggest buyer database to see your home and maximise the end sale result and zero lock-in to pursue your sale.
I stand by our ethics, commitment, and our team will always put the client's interests before ours.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Maloney
0419 995 713