Previous Results - November 2023
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 44 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 25th November.
Scheduled Auctions:
16 Hibiscus Close, Alfords Point 4 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 715 land. Listed as an Auction scheduled for Thursday,23rd November, at 6:00 pm, in rooms at Kirrawee. It had a search price of $1,400,000. The displayed price changed twice. Initially, it was "Guide $1,500,000", then changed to "Guide $1,450,000". On the market for sale for 26 days, the auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The auction was cancelled prior, then displayed for sale with "Price Guide $1,650,000". The property is no longer online, we believe it has been withdrawn from sale.
15 Landlor Road, Barden Ridge 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 768 land. Listed as an Auction scheduled for Saturday, 25th November, at 1:30 pm on-site. It had a search price of $1,500,000 with a displayed price guide of "Price Guide $1.5 Million". The displayed price guide was later removed. On the market for sale for 26 days, the auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The auctioneer announced to a crowd that there was no registered bidders and would not be running the auction, the home is now for sale.
Reported Sales:-
19 Bluegum Way, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 2 car. Initially listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Then the campaign changed to an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". The 1st Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The auction was passed in, one bidder, passed in at $1,050,000. Now for sale again by auction, with a displayed guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". Scheduled for Wednesday 22nd November, in-rooms at Kirrawee. It has a search price of $1,000,000 which is lower than what was declined at auction previously. The 2nd Auction was deferred a 3rd time to Saturday, 18th November, on-site. This 3rd Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL, it was cancelled and not held, and there was no interest. Later this was changed to for sale with an asking price of "Price guide $1,050,000". On the market for sale for 62 days, SOLD For $1,095,000.
28 Wardell Drive, Barden Ridge 4 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 940 land. Listed for sale without an asking price, the search price was $1,600,000 with a displayed "Contact Agent". On the market for sale for 29 days, SOLD for $1,735,000.
40 Wilbung Road, Illawong 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 780 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 18th November, at 12:00 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,400,000. The auction was UNSUCCESSFUL; it was cancelled and not held, and there was no interest. Listed for sale without an asking price, instead it displayed "Contact Agent". On the market for sale for 28 days, SOLD for $1,310,000.
29 McPherson Place, Illawong 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, pool 1,009 land. Originally listed with another agency for Auction that was UNSUCCESSFUL. Then changed to a second agency for normal sale. It has a search price of $3,000,000 with an asking price range of $3,200,000 - $3,520,000. On the market for sale for 75 days, SOLD for $3,415,000.
B15/7 MacMahon Place, Menai 3 bed unit, 1 bath, 2 car. Listed for sale with an asking price of "Guide $850,000" and a search price of $800,000. On the market for sale for 22 days, SOLD for $850,000.
6 Boxsell Close, Menai 3 bed house, 1 bath, 2 car. Initially listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. The search price was $1,200,000 with a displayed price of "Auction". On the market for sale for 13 days, SOLD for $1,310,000.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 45 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 18th November.
Scheduled Auctions:
14 Byron Place, Illawong 4 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 756.9 land. Listed as an Auction scheduled for Thursday 16th November, at 6:00 pm, in rooms at Kirrawee. It had a search price of $1,650,000 with a displayed price of "Auction at Kirrawee Office". On the market for sale for 20 days, SOLD for $1,750,000.
25 Yarrabee Avenue, Bangor 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 608 land. Initially listed as "By Negotiation", then the campaign changed to an auction. Scheduled for Saturday 18th November, at 2:15 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,600,000. On the market for sale for 36 days. The auction was UNSUCCESSFUL, it was cancelled and not held, there was no interest.
5 Dynevor Street, Barden Ridge Land 730.1 sqm. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday 18th November, at 4:30 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,200,000. On the market for sale for 24 days, the auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. Two registered and active bidders, the highest bid was $1,220,000. The auctioneer exercised a vendor's bid at $1,320,000. The auction stalled, and was passed in.
40 Wilbung Road, Illawong 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 780 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday 18th November, at 12:00 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,400,000. On the market for sale for 23 days, the auction was UNSUCCESSFUL, it was cancelled and not held, there was no interest.
19 Bluegum Way, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 2 car. Initially listed as a normal sale without an asking price. Then the campaign changed to an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". The 1st Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The auction was passed in, one bidder, passed in at $1,050,000. Now for sale again by auction, with a displayed guide of "Auction – Unless Sold Prior". Scheduled for Wednesday 22nd November, in-rooms at Kirrawee. It has a search price of $1,000,000 which is lower than what was declined at auction previously. The 2nd Auction was deferred a 3rd time to Saturday 18th November, on-site. This 3rd Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL, it was cancelled and not held, there was no interest. Now for sale. On the market for sale for 60 days. Now has an asking price of "Price guide $1,050,000".
Reported Sales:-
15 Link Circuit, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 452 land. Initially listed database only, on the agents website as "Offers Now or Will Auction". Then the campaign changed to a normal marketing campaign on all the normal websites such as and as "Auction Unless sold Prior". This was in namesake only, as no date was scheduled. The search price was $1,650,000. On the market for sale for 20 days, SOLD for $1,670,000.
10/17-27 Dilkara Circuit, Bangor 3 bed villa, 1 bathroom, 2 car. Initially listed as an Auction, scheduled for Friday, 20th October, at 6:00 pm On-site. The search price was $950,000, with a displayed price guide of "Auction, Unless Sold Prior". The auction was deferred to Saturday 28th October, at 11:30 am on-site. On the market for sale for 23 days, the Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. Last advertised for sale without an asking price, the search price was $1,000,000. On the market for sale for 44 days, SOLD for $1,042,500.
51 Dilkara Circuit, Bangor 6 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, 781 land. Listed off market with a search price of $2,500,000. On the market for sale for 30 days, SOLD for $2,575,000.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 47 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 11th November.
Scheduled Auctions:
31 Raine Place, Barden Ridge 4 bed house, 3 bath, 1 car, 677.5 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Monday 30th October, 6 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,400,000. At the request of the owners this sales price is undisclosed. When applying filters, the sale price appears when searching up to $1,600,000, but greater than $1,500,000. On the market for sale for 18 days.
6/800-812 Old Illawarra Road, Menai Commercial 253 sqm. Currently leased at $47,174.40 pa + GST. Lease expires Feb 2025 with an option of 12 months. Rent increases of 5% or CPI, whichever is greater. Scheduled as an auction, online only via The auction date was deferred until Thursday 2nd November. It has a search price of $1,250,000. On the market for sale for 42 days, the auction was UNSUCCESSFUL, it was passed in at $1,000,000.
Reported Sales:-
158 David Road, Barden Ridge 5 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 605 land. Very interesting sale, this home was sold and settled in April 2023 as a mortgagee sale for $1,510,000. In May 2023 the home was relisted for sale. Second hand, buyers at the time reported the reason for the sale was the owners whom purchased the home from overseas couldn't relocate their dog, quarantine rules dictated 6 months in quarantine which wasn't doable. So, they listed the home for sale. Originally listed on the public websites such as then removed and listed on the database only. On the market for sale for $182 days, SOLD for $1,680,000. By the time capital gains tax, stamp duty, holding costs, advertising and property presentation is taken into consideration this is a loss.
71 Barden Road, Barden Ridge 767 land. This is a subdivision by a local place of worship. It's been on the market for a very long time, more than 6 months, and has just changed hands with a different selling agency. Consisting of right of way access to three blocks of land. SOLD for $900,000.
133 Hall Drive, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 1 car, pool, 642 land. Originally listed as an Auction, "Unless Sold Prior". No date was scheduled, this is an auction in namesake only. Search price was $1,500,000, on the market for sale for 20 days. SOLD for $1,474,000.
24/19 Owen Jones Row, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 1 car. Originally listed for sale without an asking price, the search price was $1,000,000. On the market for sale for 6 days, SOLD for $1,050,000.
5 Pyree Street, Bangor 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, spa, 496 land. Initially listed as an Auction, Unless Sold Prior. No scheduled auction date was set, eventually Wednesday 8th November, at 6 pm, in-rooms at Kirrawee was scheduled. The search price was $1,400,000. On the market for sale for 17 days, SOLD for $1,450,000.
20 The Woods Circuit, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 620 land. Initially listed for sale without an asking price. The search price was $1,600,0000, with a displayed price guide of $1,600,000. On the market for sale for 35 days, SOLD for $1,575,000.
38 Mathers Place, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 490 land. Originally listed off market without an asking price. A campaign change to Auction, Unless Sold Prior", with a scheduled Thursday 26th October at 6 pm, in rooms at Kirrawee. The initial search price was $1,400,000. The auction was cancelled and not held. Later, an asking price range was statically advertised for a month at $1,200,000 - $1,300,000. On the market for sale for 39 days, SOLD for $1,280,000.
115 Monash Road, Menai 670.9 land. Listed for sale without an asking price, with a search price of $1,200,000. Last transacted in February 2021 for $990,000, since then DA plans have been approved for a new dwelling. On the market for sale for 61 days, SOLD for $1,200,000.
Hi Everyone,
According to, there are 47 properties publicly for sale in the 2234 district. Below are the scheduled auctions and sold properties for all agencies for the week ending Saturday, 4th November.
Scheduled Auctions:
3 McGill Place, Menai 5 bed house, 3 bath, 1 car, pool, 609 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday 11th November, 12 noon, on-site. The search price was $1,500,000. It has a displayed price of "Auction". On the market for sale for 23 days, SOLD for $1,565,000. There was 1 registered bidder that opened the bidding at $1,530,000. Negotiations ensued and eventually increased against themselves by $35,000. The vendors relative advised there wasn't many attendees, the auction was held in the backyard.
Reported Sales:-
2/104-106 Beaumaris Drive, Menai 3 bed townhouse, 1 bath, 2 car, spa. Initially listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Eventually scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $1,000,000, with a displayed price guide of "$1,050,000", the Auction was UNSUCCESFUL. The auction was passed in with a vendor bid of $1,050,000, with no bidders. This townhouse was last sold in Aug 2022 for $1,030,000. Now for sale, last advertised with a displayed price guide of $1,050,000. On the market for sale for 56 days, SOLD for $1,100,000.
37 O'Neill Road, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, spa, 636.8 land. Initially listed as an Auction Saturday 29th July, 12:30 pm on-site. The search price was $1,400,000. The auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The campaign changed to an asking price of $1,500,000 - $1,600,000. The first real estate agency was terminated, the new agency listed the property without an asking price with a search price of $1,500,000. On the market for sale for 123 days, SOLD for $1,585,000.
41 Llanberis Drive, Menai 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 751 land. Initially listed as an Auction, this was in namesake only as no scheduled date was set. Currently advertised as "For Sale – Contact Agent" with a search price of $1,800,000. On the market for sale for 106 days, SOLD for $1,960,000.
6 Bain Place, Barden Ridge 4 bed house, 2 bath 2 car, pool, 821 sqm land. Listed as an Auction, scheduled for Saturday, 30th September, at 11:30 am on-site. The search price was $1,400,000, without and displayed price guide, the Auction was UNSUCCESFUL. The auctioneer and agent made an announcement and said the auction is not proceeding today. The campaign changed to an asking price of $1,400,000 - $1,450,000. On the market for sale for 67 days, SOLD for $1,420,000. This property has a tenancy agreement which restricts owner occupiers moving into the property.
9 Pyree Street, Bangor 4 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, pool, 658 land. Listed off market on the agencies website and database only. The search price was $1,500,000. On the market for sale for 20 days, SOLD for $1,550,000.
131 Fowler Road, Illawong 5 bed house, 2 bath, 2 car, 1,880 land. Listed as an Auction, scheduled for Thursday, 26th October, at 6:00 pm In-rooms at Kirrawee. The search price was $2,500,000, with no displayed price guide; instead, it said: "Auction". Strangely, online showed a scheduled open home for Saturday 28th at 3 pm. This was an auction in namesake only, the Auction was UNSUCCESSFUL. The auction was not run, they announced "We are going to postpone this auction as we're waiting for bidders to arrive". No bidders eventuated, there was no interest. This property was last sold in December 2020 for $2,100,000. The campaign changed to a normal sale with an asking price of $2,499,999, which was reduced to $2,399,999 the following week. On the market for sale for 34 days, SOLD for $2,185,000.
Stamp duty alone would have been $100,000 three years ago when this property was purchased. In July 2022, plans were lodged for new 5-bedroom home with a pool. Council approved the plans in February 2023. Construction never commenced; the property was vacant since 24th August 2021 last rented at $850 weekly. This is an example of crunch time with holding costs, finance repayment, interest rates, building costs, stamp duty and DA approval costs adding up. The owner has lost money.
98 Monash Road, Menai 744 land. Listed for sale with an asking price of $1,200,000. On the market for sale for 36 days, SOLD for $1,200,000.
3 Dalpura Place, Bangor 4 bed house, 3 bath, 2 car, 647.1 land. Listed as an auction, scheduled for Saturday, 25th November at 2 pm, on-site. The search price was $1,600,000. On the market for sale for 9 days, SOLD for $1,760,000.
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We obtain this information from a variety of public sources,,, various real estate agency's direct websites and various real estate data websites. In addition, we meet the same buyers every other agency does at existing open homes and private inspections. It's common for our agency to have spoken to the buyer that's purchased with another agency.
Your best-selling agency is an agent that you connect with and trust. It's not the agent that promises you the highest price, and lowest fee and talks about the power of how big their agency is.
If you are considering 'testing the market' exclusively database only. We have the ability to list your home with a small real estate advertisement allowing for the biggest buyer database to see your home and maximise the end sale result and zero lock-in to pursue your sale.
I stand by our ethics, commitment, and our team will always put the client's interests before ours.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Maloney
0419 995 713
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